The Scalable City, Immersive, Interactive Game Environment
Sheldon Brown, Director
UCSD Experimental Game Lab
University of California San Diego, California, USA

Alex Dragulescu, Mike Caloud, Erik Hill, Carl Burton, Joey Hammer, Daniel Tracy, Kristen Kho, Robert Twomey, Chris Head

Project Info

Sheldon Brown examines the relationships between mediated and physical experiences. His work often exists across a range of public realms. As an artist, he is concerned about overlapping and reconfiguring private and public spaces; how new forms of mediation are proliferating co-existing public realms whose geographies and social organizations become ever more diverse. Art that explores schismatic junctions of these zones – the edges of their coherency - allow glimpses into their formative structures and provide a view that suggests transformative modes of being, extending constrained boundaries.

Scalable City creates an urban/suburban/rural environment via a data visualization pipeline. Each step in this pipeline builds upon the previous; amplifying exaggerations, artifacts and the patterns of algorithmic process. The results of this are experiences such as prints, video installations and interactive multi-user games and virtual environments. Throughout these artworks, a variety of computer concept buzzwords take on physical form. Wallowing in them provides equal measures of delight and foreboding, creating a vision of cultured forms that we are rapidly creating. The project neither indicts nor embraces this future, but offers an extrapolation of its algorithmic tendencies, heightening one's awareness of the aesthetics of the underlying logic, as it becomes the determinant of much of our cultured existence.